
Tuesday 10 April 2012

5 free tools for VMware View VDI admins to try












5 free tools for VMware View VDI admins to try

Server-hosted desktop virtualization environments can be tricky. Unlike server virtualization, which is pretty well entrenched in the data center these days, VDI can still be a relatively new concept to desktop administrators, who for the most part have been used to working with local PCs.

It's time to run Java out of town
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 8:20 PM
It's time to run Java out of town

I've been railing about Java for years, but enough is enough. Java exploits top all other infection vectors, on any platform, year after year. Oracle has shown repeatedly that it's organically incapable of keeping the Java Runtime Environment secure.
HP advances public cloud as part of ambitious hybrid cloud strategy
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 7:34 PM
HP advances public cloud as part of ambitious hybrid cloud strategy

After a year of chatter and
Red Hat announces availability of Storage 2.0 beta
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 6:27 PM

A beta version of Red Hat Storage 2.0 was announced Monday by the Massachusetts-based open-source software company.

The product -- which is based on RHEL 6 -- provides a host of new options for software-based management of scalable storage, according to Red Hat, as well as integration with many top enterprise storage technologies like virtualization and Hadoop.
Microsoft starts XP retirement countdown
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 5:30 PM

Microsoft yesterday kicked off what it called a "two-year countdown" to the death of Windows XP, its longest-lived operating system.

Windows XP and the business productivity suite Office 2003 both exit all support on April 8, 2014, a company spokeswoman said in a Monday blog post.
Oracle attacks tape management with analytics software
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 5:09 PM

Tape-storage administrators will be able to get performance information and immediate directions to prevent data loss in new management software, called StorageTek Tape Analytics, that Oracle introduced on Monday.
Twitterverse in uproar over Facebook's $1B Instagram buy
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 4:41 PM

Soon after Facebook announced Monday that it was  buying Instagram, maker of the popular photo-sharing app, for $1  billion, Twitter began to light up with talk about it.

Most Twitter users were saying they are unhappy about the pending purchase.  They complained about the move and some threatened to delete their  Instagram accounts. Several blogs quickly began posting information on  how they could do that.
IBM CIO embraces BYOD movement
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 4:30 PM

IBM CIO Jeanette Horan oversees a range of big  IT projects, but one of the most pressing initiatives is the ongoing  rollout of a BYOD, or bring-your-own-device, program.

The company's long-term goal is to provide the technology and support  necessary to enable all 440,000 of its worldwide employees to use  personal devices to do their jobs, Horan said in an interview at IBM's  offices in Cambridge, Mass.
Figuring out the data center fabric maze
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 3:30 PM

Despite vendor pledges to support existing or developing industry standards, users are expected to deploy single-vendor data center and cloud switching fabrics from their primary suppliers.
Nokia's great Windows Phone hope: Beauty without brawn
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 3:30 PM

Nokia may sell more cellphones than any other company in the world, but it's been all but excluded from the United States for years -- and it's seen its global sales steadily shrink as the iPhone and Android smartphones have become the darlings of buyers in an increasing number of countries. Nokia's relevance has been fast receding, and its Symbian, Maemo, and MeeGo efforts became a pattern of failure for a company that just didn't get it.
iPad tips and tricks for road warriors
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 3:30 PM

It's amazing what an iPad can do. And it's dumbfounding when something simple doesn't seem to work at all. As with any computing device, there are tricks to getting what you want with an iPad, at least some of the time.

I've pulled together the tips and tricks I find myself sharing with friends and colleagues repeatedly, the stuff that stumps people who aren't exactly technophobic. Maybe they stump you, too.
Data security in a BYOD world
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 3:30 PM

The consumerization of IT means that unmanaged devices are being brought into your environment and accessing your data. It's a new paradigm, and like most new paradigms, it's taking hold whether we like it or not.
Free tool detects Flashback Mac malware pestilence
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 2:58 AM

A Mac developer has posted a tool that detects a Flashback malware infection on Apple's computers.

The tiny tool -- it's just a 38KB download -- was created by Juan Leon, a software engineer at Garmin International, the Kansas-based company best known for its GPS devices.
Microsoft retires Vista, Office 2007 from mainstream support this week
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 12:56 AM

Microsoft will shift Windows Vista and Office 2007 into what it calls extended support over the next two days.

Vista, the problem-plagued operating system that never really took hold among users, will exit mainstream support on Tuesday, April 10. According to Microsoft, Office 2007 leaves mainstream support today.
IBM aiming to provide womb-to-tomb mobile app development support
Monday, April 09, 2012 9:44 PM

IBM is trying to replicate the success it's had with WebSphere in the mobile market.
Tech workers stress over skills gap
Monday, April 09, 2012 8:32 PM

Dean Haddock has seen how highly skilled IT workers can be sidelined: He has witnessed more than one colleague develop deep skills in an IT specialty, only to be displaced -- in a flash -- when a new technology comes along.
As IT picks up the pace, can tech workers keep up?
Monday, April 09, 2012 8:12 PM

There's good news and bad news on the salary front for IT professionals this year. With many businesses enjoying renewed growth following an extended period of economic gloom, IT workers saw another year of modest salary increases, and they reported significantly fewer pay cuts, hiring freezes and layoffs.

That's the good news.
iPad Wi-Fi issues may be linked to power management
Monday, April 09, 2012 8:06 PM

The Wi-Fi reliability problems reported by iPad owners can probably be solved with a software update, a hardware expert said Friday.

"It's unlikely that hardware is the primary cause of the [problem]," said Aaron Vronko, CEO of Michigan-based Rapid Repair, a repair shop and do-it-yourself parts supplier for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. "This is probably a software problem, or a hardware quirk that software must negotiate."
Web attacks use smart redirection to evade URL security scanners
Monday, April 09, 2012 6:42 PM

Security researchers from antivirus vendor Eset have come across new Web-based malware attacks that try to evade URL security scanners by checking for the presence of mouse cursor movement.

The new drive-by download attacks were spotted in the Russian Web space and don't require user interaction to infect computers with malware.
AOL to sell patents to Microsoft in deal worth over $1B
Monday, April 09, 2012 5:24 PM

AOL has entered into a definitive agreement to sell over 800 of its patents and their related patent applications to Microsoft, it said Monday.

The sale of patents and a non-exclusive license to its retained patent portfolio will fetch the company over $1 billion in cash, AOL said.




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