
Monday 9 April 2012

New iMacs expected to use anti-reflective glass

New iMacs expected to use anti-reflective glass

Depending on where you intend to use a laptop or desktop PC, a glass front display could turn you off some devices. The reflections caused and mirror-like effect of such displays can range from frustrating distraction to unsuable screen in some situations. The current generation iMacs use a glass front display, but Apple looks like [...]
Raspberry Pi passes CE and FCC regulations
Monday, April 09, 2012 7:00 PM

At the end of March the Raspberry Pi Foundation hit a major roadblock stopping them actually shipping the beta version of the $35 PC. Both distribution partners, RS Components and element14/Premier Farnell, refused to ship the device because it hadn’t obtained CE marking. That CE mark confirms the device in question conforms to European Economic [...]
Lightweight body armor uses liquid to stop bullets
Monday, April 09, 2012 6:03 PM

If you have ever seen films like Blackhawk Down or The Hurt Locker, you have seen the amount of armor that American troops have to wear to protect themselves from enemy fire. The bulky, hot Kevlar and ceramic plates that are built into their vests not only reduces their mobility, but is also very uncomfortable in [...]
Google Doodle celebrates creator of the zoopraxiscope
Monday, April 09, 2012 5:05 PM

It’s not often you get to use the word zoopraxiscope in an article, but Google has given me the perfect opportunity to do so today because of its Google Doodle choice. The doodle depicts a running horse, and it probably looks quite familiar to all but the youngest of our readers. It was created by [...]
Plasma flashlight instantly kills any bacteria on your skin
Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:03 PM

A new plasma device, created by the joint efforts of the Australian national science agency CSIRO and China’s Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), is capable of ridding your skin from harmful bacteria in just a few seconds. According to a paper submitted to the Journal of Physics last February, the “Portable Plasma Flashlight” is [...]
Vibrotactile glove lets deaf-blind people communicate via SMS
Saturday, April 07, 2012 9:33 PM

Being blind means you can still communicate through sound, being deaf means you can rely on sign language and reading to interact with others. Being deaf and blind severely limits your communication options to just touch. Deaf-blind people mainly rely on the Lorm alphabet and tactile signing for communication, which requires physical touch on a [...]
90 Minutes With Richard Feynman
Saturday, April 07, 2012 8:35 PM

The name Richard Feynman should at least sound familiar, if not because of his work in physics then because his zombie is such a big fan of the Mythbusters. Either way, the BBC Horizon documentary “Richard Feynman-No Ordinary Genius” is well worth your time, and deserves more than the mere 150,000 views it has garnered. [...]
Proof you can’t outrun an avalanche, even on a snowmobile
Saturday, April 07, 2012 7:32 PM

Nothing much happens at the start of the video above, shot a couple of hours north of the city of Tromso in Norway. But wait until it reaches the one minute mark. You see a guy on a snowmobile power his way up the snow-covered slope that looks perfect for skiing or snowboarding down, but [...]
The Pirate Bay expanding “Promo Bay” artist features
Saturday, April 07, 2012 3:00 AM

The Pirate Bay is often cited by the entertainment industry as a threat to artists and the creative business alike. However, a recent initiative undertaken by The Pirate Bay might be changing that perception. The Promo Bay is a promotional platform open to independent artists of all stripes to have their content featured on The [...]
YouTube now offering 3D conversion for all short 1080p videos
Saturday, April 07, 2012 1:57 AM

About a year has passed since YouTube announced its beta 3D conversion feature that allows video creators to display their work in the increasingly popular glasses-required format. Previously only available to a select group, YouTube has announced that it’s opening up the capability to everyone by adding automatic 3D conversion on “short-form” 1080p videos. Like [...]
Twitter starts suing to stop spam
Saturday, April 07, 2012 1:27 AM

If you’ve used Twitter for any length of time then there’s a good chance a spam account has started following you trying to spread its malicious links. You can report them and block them, but it doesn’t seem to make that much difference. New spam accounts pop up the very next day. Twitter is as [...]
Samsung introduces super-fast Class 1 microSD cards
Saturday, April 07, 2012 12:55 AM

Wish you could transfer your music and movie collection to your smartphone with a bit more speed? Current-gen microSD cards might not be that zippy, but Samsung’s just announced that their first UHS-1 microSD started rolling off the production line last month and will be heading to retail outlets very soon. With maximum read speeds [...]
Check if your Mac has the Flashback trojan
Saturday, April 07, 2012 12:21 AM

If you’ve been following the tech news over the past few days, you’ve probably seen a few mentions of the Flashback trojan. It’s been said that over 550,000 Macs have been infected, which is a staggering amount considering the relative safety (or at least the perceived safety) of OS X. The malicious software has been [...]
Amazon experimenting with front-lit display for next Kindle
Friday, April 06, 2012 11:45 PM

The Kindle e-reader has a number of unique selling points when compared to reading on an LCD. It’s as close to paper as we have got in an electronic device due to the use of an E Ink display. And because it only uses power when the viewable page is changed, battery life is counted [...]
2nd gen Chromebooks to use Ivy Bridge?
Friday, April 06, 2012 10:58 PM

Google’s web-focused Chrome OS is a tough concept for many people to swallow, despite the company’s insistence that a browser is good enough for the majority of your computing tasks. But even those willing to consider the web app-dependent platform have gotten hung up on lackluster Chromebook hardware, which chokes when put through heavy use. [...]
Toray’s touchscreen film self-repairs a scratch in 10 seconds
Friday, April 06, 2012 10:02 PM

The issue of carrying around mobile devices with large, brittle glass displays was solved when Gorilla Glass came on the scene. But those shiny touchscreens are still prone to picking up the odd scratch while nestled in your pocket. You can put a screen protector over the top to help prevent them, but then if [...]
Veloso 3D printer achieves very high accuracy with a projector
Friday, April 06, 2012 8:59 PM

With each passing day we are seeing more advances in the world of 3D printing. Like many of you, I have been eagerly awaiting the time when the technology offers both high-quality output and low-cost of ownership–two things that aren’t readily available in current models. However, there’s some light at the end of the tunnel [...]
Google-branded tablet set for July launch
Friday, April 06, 2012 7:42 PM

It looks as though Google is, in fact, still planning on putting out a Nexus tablet this year. Initially thought to be launching in May after production was set to kick off in April, Now sources have told The Verge that it won’t go on sale until July. That lines up nicely with my suspicions [...]
How to install Android apps
Friday, April 06, 2012 7:00 PM

There isn’t just one way to install Android apps on a phone or tablet. Rather, Android’s open nature allows you to get apps from various sources, and choose how to install and maintain them. The array of options can be a little daunting, so let’s lay everything out. The Google Play Store Most apps are [...]
The Old Republic goes free-to-play for Easter
Friday, April 06, 2012 6:01 PM

It’s Easter weekend, and depending on where you are in the world you may be off work now until Tuesday. Ample time to settle down with a game, right? Especially if the weather outside isn’t great. Bioware and EA have decided to give you the perfect excuse to try out the latest Star Wars MMO: [...]




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