We bend back our magazines, fold our newspapers so why not our e-readers? LG Display has revealed a new flexible, plastic display which perhaps will not let us fold tablet PCs in half, but might bring the bendy-future closer to customers. The screen known as plastic EPD (electronic paper display) supports 1024 x 768 pixel resolution and is 6 inches tall. LG claims that the screen provides users a paper like reading experience with plastic substrate, which is sleek like a mobile phone protection film. It can be bent to a 40° angle, is 1/3rd sleeker as compared to conventional e-reader screens, weighing half as much.
The company also claimed that these plastic screens are less expensive to make unlike glass counterparts. As electronic paper display gets lighter, more durable and thinner, with the launch of plastic EPD, E-Books will be able to provide certain distinctive advantages unlike smart tablets and devices, including more efficient electricity consumption and reduced eye fatigue besides lower prices. LG attempted various drop tests from almost 5-feet off the ground, and found that the displays were more resistant to damage unlike glass. It hopes to market these displays to manufacturing companies by May, so they can be revealed to European consumers at the beginning of May
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